Monday 10 December 2012

Facts about Footballers You dint know

1 .Italian legend Paolo Maldini has a collection of 17 runners-up medals - probably the biggest in the game. It includes three Champions League finals, three Intercontinental/World Club Cups, two Coppa Italias, three Supercoppas, a UEFA Super Cup final, a World Cup, A European Championship and three league titles . ( WHOA )

2 . Southampton have won more silverware than Arsenal in the last 6 years ( By the way am a big Arsenal fan )

3. Frank Lampard has one of the Highest IQ's in the Premier League.( And i believed he was just good looking )

4.  Ronaldo ( Brazil) has never won the Champions League medal, despite playing for five different clubs that have won the title. ( He deserved that medal , one missing piece )

5. Neil Armstrong originally wanted to take a football to the moon - but NASA deemed it to be un-American. ( I wonder what his famous words about giant step for a mankind would have been if he had taken the ball with him on landing there ) And yeah he is not a footballer but a fun fact i guess .

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